Youth Swim Lessons

Safe and Active Future

Swim Lessons for Ages 6-16 years

Our school-age swim lessons are designed to encourage comfort and independence in the water through skill building, games, and fun. The higher-level classes offer an athletic fitness element. These lessons are 45 minutes long.

Winter Session: (7 weeks) runs January 6 – February 23 

Early Spring Session: (7 weeks) runs March 3 – April 20
Member registration opens at noon on Feb. 9, Non-Member registration opens at noon on Feb. 16

Polliwog 1 (6-9 years)

Polliwog 1 swimmers need assistance from the instructor and/or flotation to swim on their font and back. This is the beginner level for those who have never had swim lessons and/or are nervous in the water. 

Polliwog 2 (6-9 years)

Polliwog 2 is for the beginner swimmer who is confident, no longer needing assistance from the instructor, and is ready to learn the strokes, jump, and learn beginner dives. Polliwog 2 swimmers still need assistance with skills, but are eager to try. 

Guppy (6-10 years)

Our guppies transition from swimming half lengths of the pool to 25 yards. They begin rhythmic breathing, refine their backstroke, build endurance, and learn safety skills all while having fun! Guppies are able to swim on their front and back without flotation or assistance, and with their faces in the water. 

Minnow (8-12 years)

Minnows work on refining strokes and building endurance.  Minnows should be able to complete 25 yards of freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke with rudimentary rhythmic breathing.

Fish (9-16 years)

Fish instructors work with swimmers to refine strokes, increase endurance, and introduce butterfly, open turns, and substantial safety skills. Fish swimmers are working towards swimming 50 yards of front crawl, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and back crawl, and rudimentary side stroke and butterfly. 

Flying Fish / Shark (9-16 years)

Flying fish and sharks continue working on stroke development and stamina while working towards completing 100 yards of continuous front crawl, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke.  A focus on water safety is maintained as flying fish and sharks are becoming young adults who might be thinking about jobs as swim instructors and lifeguards.

Porpoise Club (12-16 years)

Through providing intensive stroke development and various leadership opportunities, participants have the unique chance to improve their swimming while developing important safety and leadership skills along the way! Participants in Porpoise Club will learn more about aquatic safety, as well as become more confident and knowledgeable in their swimming. This non-competitive swim club is a skills-intensive group for ages 12 and older. Click below for all the details!

Porpoise Club will return in Spring 2025.